Watauga Leisure Biking Club
...Biking for the Fun of It!
The Watauga County Leisure Biking Club members invite you to join them to ride your bike for fun! It’s that simple. If you enjoy the scenery and stopping for water breaks, you are not alone. Avid cyclists and dear friends Roni Ellis and Ole Gade decided to publish a book that featured all of their favorite leisure routes in Watauga County. Once they did, the pressure was on for them to lead others on the routes they feature, hence the Watauga Leisure Biking Club was born! The autumn aerial photography makes this book a must have for $15.
Stop by and purchase a copy of Biking the Country Roads of Watauga with Ole Gade and Roni Ellis , or give us a ring & we’ll mail one to you so you can begin making plans for a visit.
During the warm weather months the Watauga Leisure Cyclists welcome you to join them on one of the weekly rides...check this link for the schedule.